About us

Ukrainian Social Investment Fund (USIF) is a non-profit organization established to support vulnerable groups of population and initiatives of territorial communities and non-governmental organizations.

USIF activities are guided by the following documents:

USIF Mission is to strengthen territorial communities’ capacities, improve conditions for providing basic social services, promote development of the social sphere and infrastructure of Ukraine.

USIF is a reliable and predictable partner in effective use of international assistance funds intended for social needs with a focus on social infrastructure objects development.

USIF invests funds of international donors into social sphere for the following purposes:

  • restoration of residential buildings, social and communal infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, clubs, water supply, roads, etc);
  • development of local communities’ capacities in solving local problems, promotion of their participation in decision making;
  • providing support to formation of innovative models of social services, including the ones, intended for vulnerable groups of population (disabled persons, orphans, homeless, elderly, victims of violence, etc.).

USIF pays special attention to modern technologies of energy efficiency when implements its projects at community level.

In different years Government of Germany (KfW), the World Bank, European Union, Government of Japan (JSDF), Government of Sweden (SIDA), UK Government (DFID), Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Canadian International Development Agency, International ‘Renaissance’ Foundation, UNDP were among donors of USIF projects.

Results of USIF 20-year activity can be found at the link.