Territorial communities of Оdesa and Тernopil regions evaluate social services needs with support of national and international experts

Within the Community-Based Social Service Delivery Project, detailed evaluations of social services needs are being conducted in 30 territorial communities of Odesa and Ternopil regions. For the first time these evaluations are being conducted by the communities with use of the new methodology and with support of national and international experts.
Expert assistance is provided to communities locally, in particular, regarding collection and compilation of data, evaluation of social services needs of the community vulnerable groups; analysis of institutional capacities of communities to provide social services of high quality; possibilities for creation of the new or improvement of existing social services in the communities, considering available material and financial resources, etc.
On-site assessment of facilities, which potentially could be used for creation of services, as well as their possible successful integration into community infrastructure, are being conducted.
Communities demonstrate a high level of organization and preparation for this work. Heads of amalgamated territorial communities (ATC) and members of the local initiative groups actively participate in the process of social service needs’ evaluation. Experts engage members of the community into cooperation dialogue and push them towards strengthening their institutional capacities by creation of social protection units.
Social service needs' evaluation will help all the communities to compile, with expert support, three-year plans of social services development, aimed at improvement of social protection of vulnerable groups of people.